Management of penoscrotal extramammary Paget disease: case series and review of the literature

Curr Oncol. 2013 Aug;20(4):e311-20. doi: 10.3747/co.20.1353.


Extramammary Paget disease (empd) is a rare, slow-growing neoplasm, considered to be an adenocarcinoma of the apocrine glands. In men, the penoscrotal region is the most commonly affected area. The disease can present as carcinoma in situ or as invasive disease that can subsequently metastasize to lymph nodes and distant sites. Because of the rarity of empd, the medical literature available to guide management of the disease is limited, particularly in patients with metastases. In addition, metastatic disease may pose a diagnostic challenge, because invasive cancer of the genitourinary or gastrointestinal tract can occur in association with empd. In the present case series, we describe our experience in treating penoscrotal empd with multimodality therapy, and we review the existing literature concerning its diagnosis and management.

Keywords: Extramammary Paget disease; apocrine carcinoma; case series; pathology; treatment.