An 8-year-old intact male Persian cat was presented for investigation of chronic haematuria. The cat had episodes of haematuria on several occasions that were non-responsive to antimicrobial therapy. Abdominal ultrasound examination revealed dilation of the renal pelvis and ureters of both kidneys. The urinary bladder wall was thickened, a mass of heterogeneous echogenicity filled the lumen of the bladder, and two parallel thin hyperechoic lines were identified within the lumen, which suggested a urethral catheter. Differential diagnoses for the urinary bladder mass included cystitis and neoplasia. The mass was surgically removed from the urinary bladder, and a urethral catheter was found embedded in the mass. Histopathological findings were consistent with cystitis glandularis of a typical type. Periodic bladder ultrasonographic studies were performed; at the time of writing, over 2 years later, recurrence had not been detected.