H7N9 Influenza: The Emerging Infectious Disease

N Am J Med Sci. 2013 Jul;5(7):395-8. doi: 10.4103/1947-2714.115764.


Influenza virus infection is a common respiratory pathogen. Emerging of new atypical influenza is usually a big public health threat. H7N9 bird flu is the newest atypical influenza virus infection that has just been reported since early 2013. The emerging of this new disease occurred in China and becomes the present focus for possible worldwide pandemic. In this specific article, the author will discus and describe on epidemiology, symptomatology, pathology, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of this new bird flu. The literature researching by PubMed and Google is used for data gathering in this collective review.

Keywords: Bird; Emerging; H7N9; Influenza.

Publication types

  • Review