Background: The latest edition of DSM (DSM-5) introduced important revisions to PTSD symptomatological criteria, such as a four-factor model and the inclusion of new symptoms. To date, only a few studies have investigated the impact that the proposed DSM-5 criteria will have on prevalence rates of PTSD.
Methods: An overall sample of 512 adolescents who survived the L'Aquila 2009 earthquake and were previously investigated for the presence of full and partial PTSD, using DSM-IV-TR criteria, were reassessed according to DSM-5 criteria. All subjects completed the Trauma and Loss Spectrum-Self Report (TALS-SR).
Results: A DSM-5 PTSD diagnosis emerged in 39.8% of subjects, with a significant difference between the two sexes (p<0.001), and an overall 87.1% consistency with DSM-IV-TR. Most of the inconsistent diagnoses that fulfilled DSM-IV-TR criteria but not DSM-5 criteria can be attributed to the subjects not fulfilling the new criterion C (active avoidance). Each DSM-5 symptom was more highly correlated with its corresponding symptom cluster than with other symptom clusters, but two of the new symptoms showed moderate to weak item-cluster correlations. Among DSM-5 PTSD cases: 7 (3.4%) endorsed symptom D3; 151 (74%) D4; 28 (13.7%) both D3 and D4; 75 (36.8%) E2.
Limitations: The use of a self-report instrument; no information on comorbidity; homogeneity of study sample; lack of assessment on functional impairment; the rates of DSM-IV-TR qualified PTSD in the sample was only 37.5%.
Conclusions: This study provides an inside look at the empirical performance of the DSM-5 PTSD criteria in a population exposed to a natural disaster, which suggests the need for replication in larger epidemiological samples.
Keywords: Criteria; DSM-5; Earthquake; PTSD; Post-traumatic stress symptoms.
© 2013 Published by Elsevier B.V.