Objectives/hypothesis: To compare long-term symptomatic outcomes between external transcervical (ET) and endoscopic stapling diverticulotomy (ESD) surgeries for Zenker's diverticulum.
Study design: Retrospective review.
Methods: Patients undergoing surgery for Zenker's diverticulum surgery between 1998 and 2010 with at least 1 year follow-up were telephoned and questioned for dysphagia, choking, regurgitation, and halitosis based on a validated Gastrointestinal Quality-of-Life Index. Symptom degree preoperatively and at phone call was assessed. Patients rated their overall postoperative symptoms as worsened, unchanged, improved, or completely resolved.
Results: A total of 96 patients were eligible for inclusion and 55 were successfully contacted. Of these, 24 underwent ESD and 31 had ET operations. Average follow-up time was significantly longer for the ET group than the ESD group (5.7 vs. 3.1 years respectively, P < 0.01). Gender, age at operation, diverticulum size, and preoperative symptom scores were not statistically different between the two groups. For both techniques, symptom scores showed significant improvement postoperatively (P < 0.01). A greater proportion of patients undergoing ET procedures reported their symptoms to be completely resolved or improved compared with the ESD group (93% vs. 67%, P = 0.015). Patients undergoing ET demonstrated a greater change or improvement in survey score compared to ESD patients (7.23 vs. 3.42, P = 0.014).
Conclusion: Both the ET and ESD surgeries significantly benefit patients, regardless of diverticulum size. Long-term symptomatic outcomes between the two populations indicate that patients with ET procedures attain a greater degree of resolution of preoperative symptoms.
Keywords: Zenker diverticulum; cricopharyngeal bar; cricopharyngeal myotomy; dysphagia; endoscopic diverticulotomy; endoscopic stapling diverticulotomy; esophageal diverticulum; transcervical diverticulectomy.
© 2013 The American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc.