Algebraic versus Exponential Decoherence in Dissipative Many-Particle Systems

Phys Rev Lett. 2013 Oct 11;111(15):150403. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.150403. Epub 2013 Oct 11.


The interplay between dissipation and internal interactions in quantum many-body systems gives rise to a wealth of novel phenomena. Here we investigate spin-1/2 chains with uniform local couplings to a Markovian environment using the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group. For the open XXZ model, we discover that the decoherence time diverges in the thermodynamic limit. The coherence decay is then algebraic instead of exponential. This is due to a vanishing gap in the spectrum of the corresponding Liouville superoperator and can be explained on the basis of a perturbative treatment. In contrast, decoherence in the open transverse-field Ising model is found to be always exponential. In this case, the internal interactions can both facilitate and impede the environment-induced decoherence.