Purpose: To present a tool that can be used to evaluate patient safety in both nurse-led and physician-led practices.
Data source: This article describes our experience with the Physician Practice Patient Safety Assessment (PPPSA) tool in six safety net practices-three of which were primary care nurse-managed health centers and three were physician-led federally qualified health centers. The information provided is from the tool itself and how it might be used in clinical settings, especially primary care.
Conclusions: The PPPSA is a tool to measure the extent to which patient safety practices are rigorously and systematically implemented throughout a health center. The tool's methodology requires discussion and consensus, incorporating a team approach with multiple perspectives within a center. It is designed to promote changes in practices that would improve patient safety.
Implications for practice: The tool has enormous relevance for primary care settings, especially those preparing themselves for patient-centered medical home status and meaningful use. But most important, it has relevance as we create healthcare environments that promote patient safety and a practice culture that is truly patient centered.
Keywords: Safety; measurement; primary care; work environments.
©2013 The Author(s) ©2013 American Association of Nurse Practitioners.