Differential expression of a hydroxyproline-rich cell-wall protein gene in embryonic tissues of Zea mays L

Planta. 1991 Apr;184(1):130-6. doi: 10.1007/BF00208246.


A hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein (HRGP) component of the maize cell wall was shown to be present in different organs of the plant by extraction of cell wall proteins and detection by Western blotting and immunocytochemistry. Antibodies raised against the protein or against synthetic peptides designed from the protein sequence immunoprecipitated a proline-rich polypeptide which was synthesized in-vitro from poly(A) (+) RNA extracted from different tissues of the plant and from the complete in-vitro-transcribed mRNA. A very low amount of the protein was found in immature embryos. In particular, the protein could not be detected in the scutellum either by Western blotting or by immunocytochemistry. In agreement with this finding, HRGP mRNA was barely detected in the scutellum, in contrast to its accumulation in the embryo axis. Our results indicate the existence of a unique cell wall structure in embryonic tissues from maize as well as a tissuespecific component of the control of maize HRGP gene expression, distinct to others already described such as cell division.