To study clinico-pathological profile of sinonasal masses (SNM). This is a retrospective analytical review of 92 patients of SNM who presented to Department of ENT, S.S. Medical college & Associated Hospital, Rewa from January 2008 to August 2012. Their biodata, clinical profile and histolopathological diagnosis were analyzed. The study design was retrospective done in tertiary referral hospital setting. In the present study total 92 patients with age ranging from 7 to >70 years were analysed. The overall M:F ratio was 1.35:1. Most of the patients (35.86 %) belong to 11-20 year age group. The main presenting symptoms were nasal blockage (94 %) and rhinorrhoea (90 %). About 48.9 % cases showed mass on left side, 34.78 % on right side and 16.3 % bilateral. Maximum cases 42.39 % were reported to be antrochoanal polyp followed by ethmoidal polyp and angiomatous polyp. About 6.52 % cases were histopathologically reported to be malignant. This article gives an insight into prevalence of SNM in this region of North India thus advocating early recognition, proper diagnosis and treatment of SNM.
Keywords: Antrochoanal polyp; Nasal blockage; Retrospective; Sinonasal masses.