The RAG proteins are comprised of core endonuclease domains and noncore regions that modulate endonuclease activity. Mutation or deletion of noncore RAG regions in humans causes immunodeficiency and altered TCR repertoire, and mice expressing core but not full-length Rag1 (Rag1(C/C)) or Rag2 (Rag2(C/C)) exhibit lymphopenia, reflecting impaired V(D)J recombination and lymphocyte development. Rag1(C/C) mice display reduced D-to-J and V-to-DJ rearrangements of TCRβ and IgH loci, whereas Rag2(C/C) mice show decreased V-to-DJ rearrangements and altered Vβ/VH repertoire. Because Vβs/VHs only recombine to DJ complexes, the Rag1(C/C) phenotype could reflect roles for noncore RAG1 regions in promoting recombination during only the D-to-J step or during both steps. In this study, we demonstrate that a preassembled TCRβ gene, but not a preassembled DβJβ complex or the prosurvival BCL2 protein, completely rescues αβ T cell development in Rag1(C/C) mice. We find that Rag1(C/C) mice exhibit altered Vβ utilization in Vβ-to-DJβ rearrangements, increased usage of 3'Jα gene segments in Vα-to-Jα rearrangements, and abnormal changes in Vβ repertoire during αβ TCR selection. Inefficient Vβ/VH recombination signal sequences (RSSs) have been hypothesized to cause impaired V-to-DJ recombination on the background of a defective recombinase as in core-Rag mice. We show that replacement of the Vβ14 RSS with a more efficient RSS increases Vβ14 recombination and rescues αβ T cell development in Rag1(C/C) mice. Our data indicate that noncore RAG1 regions establish a diverse TCR repertoire by overcoming Vβ RSS inefficiency to promote Vβ recombination and αβ T cell development, and by modulating TCRβ and TCRα gene segment utilization.