Meiosis is a specialized cell division process through which chromosome numbers are reduced by half for the generation of gametes. Kinetochore, a multiprotein complex that connects centromeres to microtubules, plays essential role in chromosome segregation. Ctf19 is the key central kinetochore protein that recruits all the other non-essential proteins of the Ctf19 complex in budding yeast. Earlier studies have shown the role of Ctf19 complex in enrichment of cohesin around the centromeres both during mitosis and meiosis, leading to sister chromatid cohesion and meiosis II disjunction. Here we show that Ctf19 is also essential for the proper execution of the meiosis I specific unique events, such as non-homologous centromere coupling, homologue pairing, chiasmata resolution and proper orientation of homologues and sister chromatids with respect to the spindle poles. Additionally, this investigation reveals that proper kinetochore function is required for faithful chromosome condensation in meiosis. Finally, this study suggests that absence of Ctf19 affects the integrity of meiotic kinetochore differently than that of the mitotic kinetochore. Consequently, absence of Ctf19 leads to gross chromosome missegregation during meiosis as compared with mitosis. Hence, this study reports for the first time the differential impact of a non-essential kinetochore protein on the mitotic and meiotic kinetochore ensembles and hence chromosome segregation.
© 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.