Topographic aspects of EEG development of normal children and adolescents from 6 to 17 years are investigated with respect to various spectral parameters. The topographic distribution of spectral band power does not change between hemispheres across age. Changes take place, however, in the antero-posterior dimension. For the bands theta, alpha 1 and alpha 2 (and less so for delta) maturation starts at posterior derivations and ends at anterior derivations. For the band beta 2 (and to some extent also for beta 1), development progresses from Cz to Pz and further to occipital, lateral, central and frontal derivations. Principal component analysis (PCA) leads to a more parsimonious and better interpretable description of broad-band power and of its topographic distribution. Broad-band coherences increase with age, though to a modest degree. The different magnitudes of coherence between different regions can be largely accounted for by the interelectrode distances. Coherences, too, can be described in a more parsimonious and better interpretable way via PCA. The 3 components extracted reflect firstly the overall level of coherence, secondly the coherences of the occipital regions with all other regions and thirdly antero-posterior versus left-right coherences.