Hydroxyurea (HU) has been used to treat patients with non transfusion-dependent β-thalassemia major (β-TM) at the Thalassemia Research Center, Sari, Mazandaran Province, Islamic Republic of Iran since 1996. This study was performed to summarize and to share our experience. Medical records of all patients with β-thalassemia (β-thal) attending our center were reviewed in January 2013. Definition of β-TM was based on complete blood count (CBC), hemoglobin (Hb) electrophoresis, and for some patients, by the amplification refractory mutation system-restriction fragment length polymorphism (ARMS-RFLP) method. Patients who had not been transfused before, or had only occasionally had blood transfusions, were selected. Age at first blood transfusion, initial HU therapy and time of study was extracted from the records. The lowest Hb level before using HU and the last Hb value when on the HU regimen as well as the difference, were reported. Number of saved packed red cells was calculated according to duration of HU use and the usual needs of the patients. Hydroxyurea was discontinued before a planned pregnancy and during gestation and lactation periods. Hydroxyurea was discontinued for male patients willing to reproduce. A p value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. It was consistent with 1856 patients/year, and 3542 units of blood were saved. We found HU to be effective and safe in treating patients with non transfusion-dependent β-TM. We strongly recommend HU therapy.