Influenza A virus triggers a contagious respiratory disease that can cause considerable morbidity and mortality. Using an in vitro approach, we previously demonstrated that the pattern recognition receptor retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) plays a key role in influenza A virus-mediated immune response. However, the importance of RIG-I signaling in vivo has not been thoroughly examined, because of the lack of an appropriate mouse models. To circumvent this issue, we generated a new transgenic mouse overexpressing LGP2 (hereafter, "LGP2 TG mice"), a major regulator of the RIG-I signaling pathway. The time course of several parameters was compared in infected wild-type and LGP2 TG mice. We found that LGP2 TG mice displayed significantly reduced inflammatory mediators and a lower leukocyte infiltration into the bronchoalveolar airspace. More importantly, LGP2 TG mice had a significant survival advantage. Hence, our in vivo study reveals that LGP2 is a major downregulator of the influenza A virus-triggered detrimental inflammatory response.
Keywords: immunity; inflammation; lung; signal transduction; viral.
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