Introduction: A study examined the appropriateness and likelihood of usage of the north American Period of PURPLE Crying® intervention program in far north Queensland, to educate families about the risk of infant abusive head trauma (AHT)/shaken baby syndrome.
Methods: A mixed-method cross-sectional study with a questionnaire and semi-structured interview was conducted with 33 health professionals in far north Queensland (FNQ) to gauge their opinions of the Period of PURPLE Crying program's educational materials.
Results: Seventy per cent of participants were aware of infant AHT; 87.8% agreed the program would be appropriate for far north Queensland populations; 90% agreed that new parents/carers could learn new strategies to deal with inconsolable crying, and that men would be particularly advantaged.
Conclusions: In their present form, the educational materials of the Period of PURPLE Crying are appropriate for use. As such, the researchers intend to undertake a pilot implementation in FNQ.