The pathophysiology of heart failure (HF) is diverse, owing to multiple etiologies and aberrations in a number of cellular processes. Therefore, it is essential to understand how defects in the molecular pathways that mediate cellular responses to internal and external stressors function as a system to drive the HF phenotype. Mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics strategies have great potential for advancing our understanding of disease mechanisms at the systems level because proteins are the effector molecules for all cell functions and, thus, are directly responsible for determining cell phenotype. Two MS-based proteomics strategies exist: peptide-based bottom-up and protein-based top-down proteomics--each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses for interrogating the proteome. In this review, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of bottom-up and top-down MS for protein identification, quantification, and analysis of post-translational modifications, as well as highlight how both of these strategies have contributed to our understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying HF. Additionally, the challenges associated with both proteomics approaches will be discussed and insights will be offered regarding the future of MS-based proteomics in HF research.