Acute coronary syndrome is the leading cause of death worldwide and plaque rupture is the most common underlying mechanism of coronary thrombosis. During the last 2 decades the understanding of atherosclerotic plaque progression advanced dramatically and pathology studies provided fundamental insights of underlying plaque morphology, which paved the way for invasive imaging modalities, which bring a new area of atherosclerotic plaque characterization in vivo. The development of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) allowed the field to evaluate the principles of vascular anatomy, which is often underestimated by coronary angiography. Furthermore, IVUS image technologies were developed to obtain improved characterization of plaque composition. However, since spatial resolution of IVUS is insufficient to distinguish details of plaque morphology, a broad adoption of this technology in clinical practice was missing. Optical coherence tomography is a light-based imaging modality with higher spatial resolution compared to IVUS, which enables the assessment of vascular anatomy with great detail.