Background: Transanal pull-through with laparoscopic assistance is gaining popularity. How much rectal dissection to do laparoscopically and how much transanally is not clear. Laparoscopic rectal mobilization is akin to open pelvic dissection of Swenson's operation - the most physiological procedure. Through this comparative study, we aim to evolve a technique that maximizes the benefits of Swenson's technique and minimizes the problems of a transanal procedure.
Materials and methods: Twenty patients (19 boys and one girl, newborn to 6 years) with Hirschsprung's disease (HD) were randomized for laparoscopic-assisted transanal pull-through (LATAPT) either by near complete (Group A) or partial (Group B) laparoscopic mobilization of rectum. Patients were followed up for at least 3 months. Demographic profile; operative details (time taken, blood loss, operative difficulty, and complications); postoperative course (duration of urinary catheter, oral feeding, and hospital stay); and follow-up stooling pattern, consistency, and continence were compared in the two groups.
Results: The time taken for laparoscopic mobilization was marginally higher in group A, but the time taken for transanal dissection in this group was significantly less than in group B. All other comparisons showed no significant difference in the two groups. Stool frequency and continence improved with time in both groups.
Conclusion: Extent of laparoscopic mobilization of rectum does not appear to be a factor deciding the outcomes. No recommendations could be made in view of the small number of cases. However, it shows that laparoscopic assistance can be used to maximize the benefits of Swenson type of operation and a transanal pull-through.
Keywords: Endorectal pull-through; Hirschsprung's; laparoscopy; transanal.