Using an Evidence-Based Approach to EMR Implementation to Optimize Outcomes and Avoid Unintended Consequences

J Healthc Inf Manag. 2013;27(3):79-83.


Implementation of an electronic medical record (EMR) with computerized physician order entry (CPOE) can provide an important foundation for preventing harm and improving outcomes. Incentivized by the recent economic stimulus initiative, healthcare systems are implementing vendor-based EMR systems at an unprecedented rate. Accumulating evidence suggests that local implementation decisions, rather than the specific EMR product or technology selected, are the primary drivers of the quality improvement performance of these systems. However, limited attention has been paid to effective approaches to EMR implementation. In this case report, we outline the evidence-based approach we used to make EMR implementation decisions in a pragmatic structure intended for replication at other sites.

Keywords: CDS; CPOE; Computerized physician order entry; EHR; EMR; applied clinical informatics; clinical decision support; electronic health record; electronic medical record.