Substituted phenethylamines are a class of designer drugs that have recently emerged in the drug abuse market. Such substances remain legal to use, possess, and supply until these compounds become classified as scheduled. 2C-I-NBOMe or 25I-NBOMe is the N-benzyl-derivative of the iodo-substituted dimethoxy-phenethylamine (2C-I) that appeared recently in the drug market under the street name "N-Bomb". Due to its high potency, intoxications and fatal cases related to 2C-I-NBOMe use are increased worldwide. The use and trafficking of this substituted phenethylamine is banned only in some countries. A comprehensive review was performed using PubMed and Medline databases, together with additional non-peer reviewed information sources, including books and publications of state authorities in different countries, regarding chemistry, availability, pharmacology, and toxicology of 2C-I-NBOMe. Intoxications or lethal cases, published or reported, as well as the current legislation on this newly introduced drug are also reviewed.
Keywords: 25I-NBOMe; 2C-I-NBOMe; N-Bomb; legislation; pharmacology; substituted phenethylamines; toxicology.