The aim of this study was to confirm the effectiveness of a real-time three-dimensional navigation system for use during various oral and maxillofacial surgeries. Five surgeries were performed with this real-time three-dimensional navigation system. For mandibular surgery, patients wore acrylic surgical splints when they underwent computed tomography examinations and the operation to maintain the mandibular position. The incidence of complications during and after surgery was assessed. No connection with the nasal cavity or maxillary sinus was observed at the maxilla during the operation. The inferior alveolar nerve was not injured directly, and any paresthesia around the lower lip and mental region had disappeared within several days after the surgery. In both maxillary and mandibular cases, there was no abnormal hemorrhage during or after the operation. Real-time three-dimensional computer-navigated surgery allows minimally invasive, safe procedures to be performed with precision. It results in minimal complications and early recovery.
Keywords: Computer-guided surgery; Minimal invasion; Real-time three-dimensional navigation system.