An assessment of X-ray cephalometric studies was carried out in 32 boys and 25 girls with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate aged ten years and operated upon with the technique of primary bone grafting, as well as in 30 boys and 25 girls with the same type of cleft treated with the same methods, but without bone grafting. Individuals with primary osteoplasty had a deficiency of vertical growth of the upper face and a more marked retroinclination of upper incisors. We failed to disclose any other significant differences. Both series had a markedly deficient anterior growth of the maxilla. Thus the introduction of the method of primary bone grafting did not result in an improved development of the upper jaw, just on the contrary some parameters were suggestive that it exerted an adverse effect. Therefore it was not possible to advocate the use of this surgical procedure in the treatment of clefts.