Patient-centered medical homes: recognition and reimbursement - part 3

Consult Pharm. 2014;29(5):347-50. doi: 10.4140/TCP.n.2014.347.


As a result of current weaknesses and deficiencies in the United States health care system, the concept of patient-centered medical homes (PCMHs), a way of organizing primary care that emphasizes coordination and communication among patients and providers, has taken root. The formation of the National Committee for Quality Assurance-Patient- Centered Medical Homes (NCQA-PCMH) Recognition Program and its associated standards has assisted many clinicians seeking to evolve with these changing models of medical practice. Not only have PCMHs been shown to improve patient health outcomes, but they also have been associated with decreasing overall health care costs. Additionally, there are many benefits of primary care practice sites to develop into a PCMH, including eligibility for both private party and government reimbursement.

Keywords: ACIP = Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices; CCHAP = Colorado Children's Healthcare Access Program; CMS = Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; FQHC = Federally Qualified Health Center; HI = Institute for Healthcare Improvement; HRSA = Health Resources Services Administration; Institute for Healthcare Improvement; NCQA = National Committee for Quality Assurance; NCQA-PCMH Recognition Program = National Committee for Quality Assurance—Patient-Centered Medical Homes Recognition Program; National Committee for Quality Assurance; PCMH = Patient-centered medical home; Patient-centered medical home; Triple Aim; USPSTF = United States Preventive Services Task Force.

MeSH terms

  • Humans
  • Patient-Centered Care / organization & administration*
  • Primary Health Care / organization & administration*
  • Quality Assurance, Health Care
  • United States