Regulatory challenges for the manufacture and scale-out of autologous cell therapies

In: StemBook [Internet]. Cambridge (MA): Harvard Stem Cell Institute; 2008.


While many clinician- and industry-led autologous cellular therapies are demonstrating benefits to patients in clinical trials, few products have been commercially approved. Progress towards production and commercialization still faces substantial translational challenges under existing regulatory frameworks. Manufacturing and supply of more-than-minimally manipulated (MTMM) autologous cell based therapies presents a number of unique challenges driven by complex supply logistics and the need to scale-out production to multiple manufacturing sites or potentially near to the patient within hospital settings. The existing regulatory structure in Europe and the U.S imposes a requirement to establish and maintain comparability. Under a single market authorisation this is likely to become an insurmountable burden for the roll-out of manufacturing processes to more than two or three sites unless new enabling manufacturing and regulatory science can be established to bridge the comparability challenge.

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