Background: Cleansing products for acne should remove excessive sebum, reduce acne-related bacteria and improve inflammation.
Aims: The aim of the study was to investigate a topical cleansing product containing glycolic acid with pH 4 in mild acne vulgaris.
Methods: Sixty patients were recruited for this open uncontrolled clinical trial. The tested product was exclusively applied twice a day for 6 weeks. The efficacy was judged by a dermatologist according to the Leeds score after 3 and 6 weeks. In addition, efficacy and tolerability were judged subjectively by physician and patients.
Results: Mild acne improved significantly after 6 weeks (baseline: 0.699 vs. day 42: 0.602; P < 0.001). Efficacy and tolerability were judged better by physician as compared with patients' assessment.
Conclusion: In this clinical trial, a topical cleansing product containing glycolic acid with pH 4 improved mild acne significantly following twice-daily application for 6 weeks as monotherapy.
Keywords: AHA; P. acnes; acne vulgaris; antibacterial; clinical trial; glycolic acid.
© 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.