Sequential supernumerary teeth development in a non-syndromic patient; report of a rare case

J Dent (Tehran). 2013 Nov;10(6):554-61. Epub 2013 Nov 30.


Isolated impacted supernumerary teeth are quite rare, but they can be seen associated with several syndromes such as cleidocranial dysostosis or Gardner's syndrome. This article aims to discuss a case of sequential formation of supernumerary teeth with no other associated disease or syndrome. A 17-year-old Iranian male with 8 impacted supernumerary teeth was referred to the department of pediatric dental clinic at Shahid Beheshti Medical University in Tehran with a history of several impacted unerupted teeth. Repeated and periodical clinical and radiographic examinations revealed newly formed teeth buds in unusual dental ages. All extra teeth were associated with generalized enamel hypoplasia to some degree on their relative permanent adjacent teeth. The patient did not have any record of a systemic disease or any syndromic condition to relate his dental problem to. This rare condition involved repeated and continued formation of extra teeth out of the normal numbers and dental age evident in serial radiographs.

Keywords: Child; Serial; Syndrome; Tooth, Supernumerary.

Publication types

  • Case Reports