Background: WOX (Wuschel-like homeobOX) genes form a family of plant-specific HOMEODOMAIN transcription factors, the members of which play important developmental roles in a diverse range of processes. WOX genes were first identified as determining cell fate during embryo development, as well as playing important roles in maintaining stem cell niches in the plant. In recent years, new roles have been identified in plant architecture and organ development, particularly at the flower level.
Scope: In this review, the role of WOX genes in flower development and flower architecture is highlighted, as evidenced from data obtained in the last few years. The roles played by WOX genes in different species and different flower organs are compared, and differential functional recruitment of WOX genes during flower evolution is considered.
Conclusions: This review compares available data concerning the role of WOX genes in flower and organ architecture among different species of angiosperms, including representatives of monocots and eudicots (rosids and asterids). These comparative data highlight the usefulness of the WOX gene family for evo-devo studies of floral development.
Keywords: Arabidopsis thaliana; EVERGREEN/WOX9; HOMEOBOX; MAW/WOX1; PRS/WOX3; Petunia × hybrida; WOX genes; WUSCHEL; dicots; flower development; monocots; plant evo–devo.
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