Purpose: To review and summarize current management of anophthalmic syndrome-enophthalmos, superior sulcus syndrome, lower eyelid laxity, and upper eyelid ptosis.
Methods: The authors performed a PubMed search of all articles published in English on the management of anophthalmic socket syndrome.
Results: A review of 37 articles demonstrated that anophthalmic syndrome occurs in a significant proportion of this patient population. Primary prevention through careful selection of primary orbital implant is ideal. Residual mild deficits can then be corrected through prosthesis modification. When modification of the prosthesis is no longer sufficient, specifically targeted procedures become necessary.
Conclusions: Ocularists and oculoplastic surgeons should work together closely to treat anophthalmic syndrome. Future studies should establish uniform measurement criteria as the next step in validating the benefit and limitation of each technique.