Background: Misoprostol is a commonly used agent for induction of labor. Anaphylactic reactions are infrequent but possible complications of drugs administered to the pregnant patient. Although antibiotics, latex, and anesthetic agents are more common triggers for anaphylaxis, induction agents are also a rare cause.
Case: A 21-year-old woman received buccal misoprostol as a ripening agent for postdate labor induction and experienced anaphylaxis and tachysystole. Prompt administration of epinephrine and emergent cesarean delivery allowed for the safe delivery of the neonate and minimal maternal morbidity.
Conclusion: When inducing labor, prompt identification and treatment of anaphylaxis and hypersensitivity reactions are necessary to prevent maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. Health care providers must be aware of uncommon reactions to medications used to induce labor.