Second-order integral sliding-mode control with experimental application

ISA Trans. 2014 Sep;53(5):1661-9. doi: 10.1016/j.isatra.2014.05.030. Epub 2014 Jul 5.


In the present study, a second-order sliding-mode controller is proposed for single-input single-output (SISO) uncertain real systems. The proposed controller successively overcomes the variations caused by the uncertainties and external load disturbances although an approximate model of the system is used in the design procedure. An integral type sliding surface is used and the stability and robustness properties of the proposed controller are proved by means of Lyapunov stability theorem. The chattering phenomenon is significantly reduced adopting the switching gain with the known parameters of the system. Thus, the proposed controller is suitable for long-term application to the real systems. The performance of the proposed control scheme is validated by a real system experiments and the results are compared with the similar controllers presented in the literature.

Keywords: Adaptive gain; Integral sliding-mode; Stability.