The application of the life course approach to social epidemiology has helped epidemiologists theoretically examine social gradients in population health. Longitudinal data with rich contextual information collected repeatedly and advanced statistical approaches have made this challenging task easier. This review paper provides an overview of the life course approach in epidemiology, its research application, and future challenges. In summary, a systematic approach to methods, including theoretically guided measurement of socioeconomic position, would assist researchers in gathering evidence for reducing social gradients in health, and collaboration across individual disciplines will make this task achievable.
本総説は、疫学におけるライフコースアプローチの概要、適用、及び将来に向けての課題を述べたものである。疫学研究者がライフコースアプローチによる健康格差縮小への確たる指標を打ち出すには 、理論的に裏付けられた社会経済地位測定因子も含め、体系的な考えに基づいた研究手法の適用、ならびに研究分野の枠を越えた各研究者の協力が望まれる。