Multidimensional gas chromatography in combination with accurate mass, tandem mass spectrometry, and element-specific detection for identification of sulfur compounds in tobacco smoke

J Chromatogr A. 2014 Sep 5:1358:240-51. doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2014.06.106. Epub 2014 Jul 7.


A method is developed for identification of sulfur compounds in tobacco smoke extract. The method is based on large volume injection (LVI) of 10μL of tobacco smoke extract followed by selectable one-dimensional ((1)D) or two-dimensional ((2)D) gas chromatography (GC) coupled to a hybrid quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer (Q-TOF-MS) using electron ionization (EI) and positive chemical ionization (PCI), with parallel sulfur chemiluminescence detection (SCD). In order to identify each individual sulfur compound, sequential heart-cuts of 28 sulfur fractions from (1)D GC to (2)D GC were performed with the three MS detection modes (SCD/EI-TOF-MS, SCD/PCI-TOF-MS, and SCD/PCI-Q-TOF-MS). Thirty sulfur compounds were positively identified by MS library search, linear retention indices (LRI), molecular mass determination using PCI accurate mass spectra, formula calculation using EI and PCI accurate mass spectra, and structure elucidation using collision activated dissociation (CAD) of the protonated molecule. Additionally, 11 molecular formulas were obtained for unknown sulfur compounds. The determined values of the identified and unknown sulfur compounds were in the range of 10-740ngmg total particulate matter (TPM) (RSD: 1.2-12%, n=3).

Keywords: Accurate mass detection; Positive chemical ionization (PCI); Selectable (1)D/(2)D GC–Q-TOF-MS; Sulfur chemiluminescence detection (SCD); Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS); Tobacco smoke.

MeSH terms

  • Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry / methods
  • Luminescent Measurements
  • Molecular Weight
  • Smoke / analysis*
  • Sulfur Compounds / analysis*
  • Sulfur Compounds / chemistry
  • Tandem Mass Spectrometry / methods


  • Smoke
  • Sulfur Compounds