Introduction: The accessory nipple (AN) is characterised by its network-like structures, which may suggest the diagnosis of a melanocytic lesion. The knowledge about additional dermoscopic features of AN may greatly minimise the risk of unnecessary surgical excisions.
Aim: To analyse and present different clinical and dermoscopic forms, in which the AN may appear.
Material and methods: Ninety AN with dermoscopic features were evaluated in the study, detected in 14 patients between the years 2008 and 2014.
Results: The most common dermoscopic features of the AN were central, scar-like areas (15/19) and peripheral network-like structures (12/19). A number of cleft-like appearances (8/19) and central network-like structures (7/19) had also been observed. Moreover, among the dermoscopic features, white cobblestone-like structures (7/19), a central round dimpling with a plug (6/19) and fisheye-like structures resembling comedo-like openings (9/19) have all also been noted. There is a statistical significance in the occurrence of white cobblestone-like structures with central network-like structures (Fisher's exact test p = 0.0449). The presence of peripheral network-like structures with the occurrence of central scar-like areas was statistically highly significant (p = 0.0091). The central round dimpling was never observed alongside any central network-like structures in any of the lesions (p = 0.0436).
Conclusions: Accessory nipples are most commonly characterised by the occurrence of a peripheral network-like structure accompanied by the presence of a scar-like area.
Keywords: accessory nipple; dermatoscopy; dermoscopy.