Background and objective: The aim of this study was test the hypothesis that homeopathy (H) enhances the effects of scaling and root planing (SRP) in patients with chronic periodontitis (CP).
Materials and methods: 50 patients with CP were randomly allocated to one of two treatment groups: SRP (C-G) or SRP + H (H-G). Assessments were made at baseline and after 3 and 12 months of treatments. The local and systemic responses to the treatments were evaluated by clinical and serologic parameters, respectively.
Results: Both groups displayed significant improvements, however, using clinical attachment gain and reductions in HDL, LDL and Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Glucose and Uric acid, from baseline to 1 year, as criteria for treatment success, H-G performed significantly better than C-G.
Conclusion: The findings of this 1-year follow-up randomized clinical trial suggest that homeopathic medicines, as an adjunctive to SRP, can provide significant local and systemic improvements for CP patients.
Keywords: Chronic periodontitis; Homeopathy; Non-surgical periodontal treatment.
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