Setting: Two districts of Tamil Nadu, India
Objectives: To determine the proportion of household contacts aged <6 years of patients with tuberculosis (TB) with positive sputum microscopy results who initiated and completed isoniazid preventive treatment (IPT), and to determine reasons for non-initiation and non-completion of IPT.
Design: Household visits were conducted on a random sample of adult patients registered during January-June 2012 to identify household contacts aged <6 years.
Results: Among 271 children living with 691 index patients, 218 (80%) were evaluated and 9 (4%) were diagnosed with TB. Of 209 remaining contacts, 70 (33%) started IPT and 16 (22.9%) completed a full course of IPT. Of 139 contacts who did not start IPT, five developed TB disease. Reasons for non-initiation of IPT included no home visit by the field staff (19%) and no education about IPT (61%). Reasons for non-completion included isoniazid not provided (52%) and long duration of treatment (28%).
Conclusion: This study shows that Revised National TB Programme guidance was not being followed and IPT implementation was poor. Poor IPT uptake represents a missed opportunity to prevent future TB cases. Provision of IPT may be improved through training, improved logistics and enhanced supervision and monitoring.