Electroacupuncture at He-Mu points reduces P2X4 receptor expression in visceral hypersensitivity

Neural Regen Res. 2013 Aug 5;8(22):2069-77. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-5374.2013.22.006.


Electroacupuncture at Shangjuxu (ST37) and Tianshu (ST25) was reported to improve visceral hypersensitivity in rats. Colorectal distension was utilized to generate a rat model of chronic visceral hypersensitivity in irritable bowel syndrome. Results showed that abdominal withdrawal reflex scores noticeably increased after model establishment. Simultaneously, P2X4 receptor immureactivity significantly increased in the colon and spinal cord. Electroacupuncture and pinaverium bromide therapy both markedly decreased abdominal withdrawal reflex scores in rats with visceral hypersensitivity, and significantly decreased P2X4 receptor immunoreactivity in the colon and spinal cord. These data suggest that electroacupuncture treatment can improve visceral hypersensitivity in rats with irritable bowel syndrome by diminishing P2X4 receptor immunoreactivity in the colon and spinal cord.

Keywords: P2X4 receptor; acupuncture; combination of He-Mu points; electroacupuncture; grants-supported paper; irritable bowel syndrome; neural regeneration; neuroregeneration; traditional Chinese medicine; visceral hypersensitivity.