In the first step of rhinoplasty, the surgical approach will expose through different types of incisions and dissection planes the osteocartilaginous framework of the nasal pyramid prior to performing actions to reduce or increase the latter. This exposure can be performed by a closed approach or by an external approach--the choice depends on the type of nose and the habits of the surgeon. Far from being opposites, closed and external approaches are complementary and should be known and mastered by surgeons performing rhinoplasty.
Keywords: Closed approach; External approach; Incision intercartilagineuse; Incision marginale; Incision transcartilagineuse; Intercartilaginous incision; Rhinoplastie; Rhinoplasty; Rim incision; Septoplastie; Septoplasty; Submucous resection; Transcartilaginous incision; Vestibular approach; Voie d’abord dissimulée; Voie d’abord externe; Voie d’abord vestibulaire.
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