Introduction: We hypothesize that electrocardiographic measurements from the intramyocardial space contain more sensitive markers of ischemia than those detectable on the epicardium. The goal of this study was to evaluate different electrical markers for their potential to detect the earliest phases of acute myocardial ischemia.
Methods: We conducted acute ischemia studies in open chest animal, by creating finely controlled demand or supply ischemic episodes and recording intramyocardial and epicardial potentials.
Results: Under the conditions of mild perfusion deficit, acute ischemia induced changes in the T wave that were larger and could be detected earlier on the epicardial surface than ST-segment changes.
Conclusions: Our findings indicate that in the setting of very acute ischemia, epicardial T waves have higher sensitivity to mild degrees of acute ischemia than epicardial ST potentials. These results suggest that changes in the T wave shape may augment shifts in ST segments to improve ECG based localization of ischemia.
Keywords: Acute Ischemia; Epicardium; Intramyocardial electrograms; ST segment; T wave.
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