Background: It is believed that treatment with low temperature can reduce pain perception in chronic pain patients, including chronic low back pain patients.
Aim: To evaluate the effects of a two-week repeated intervention of -67 °C cryo-chamber in patients with chronic low back pain.
Design: A prospective randomized double blind study design.
Setting: Hospital-based outpatients department
Population: Outpatients with chronic low back pain.
Methods: Comparing intervention group (-67 °C) with higher temperature (-5 °C) which was supposed as a control group in a cryo-chamber.
Results: Similar effectiveness in pain reduction in both intervention and control groups
Conclusion: Cryochamber therapy with -67 °C is not superior to (sham cryo chamber) with -5 °C.
Clinical rehabilitation impact: Cryo chambers therapy show positive effect by improving pain. For the treatment, -5 °C seems to be sufficient for these patients.