1 From US Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (J.W.T.), Falls Church, VA; Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (J.W.T.); Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (J.W.T., B.N.P.), Bethesda, MD; Marine Corps Embassy Security Group (C.H.K.), Quantico, VA; and the Department of Neurology (R.B.), University of Rochester School of Medicine, NY. jack.tsao@med.navy.mil.
2 From US Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (J.W.T.), Falls Church, VA; Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (J.W.T.); Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (J.W.T., B.N.P.), Bethesda, MD; Marine Corps Embassy Security Group (C.H.K.), Quantico, VA; and the Department of Neurology (R.B.), University of Rochester School of Medicine, NY.