Bullous mycosis fungoides associated with an extensive ulcer and a severe leukemoid reaction

Dermatol Reports. 2011 Dec 2;3(3):e54. doi: 10.4081/dr.2011.e54. eCollection 2011 Oct 5.


This report presents a case of bullous mycosis fungoides associated with an extensive ulcer and a severe leukemoid reaction. The rash began as indurated erythema which was always followed by ulceration. The rashes initially responded to radiation therapy, but multiple recurrences appeared. Several bullae appeared on the trunk during the course of the illness, without any evidence of paraneoplastic pemphigus. Finally, the ulcer covered a large part of the trunk, and the patient died of sepsis with an extreme leukocyte count of 118,000/µL. A bone marrow analysis revealed a leukemoid reaction and an autopsy revealed pseudomembranous colitis.

Keywords: bullous mycosis fungoides; leukemoid reaction; pseudomembranous colitis..