Cupping is one of the various treatment methods used in traditional oriental medicine. Cupping is also used as a diagnostic method and it may cause skin hyperpigmentation. Quantitative measurements and analysis of changes in skin color due to cupping are critical. The purpose of this study is to suggest an optical technique to visualize and identify changes in skin color due to cupping. We suggest the following analysis methods: digital color spaces [red, green, and blue (RGB) and L∗a∗b], the Erythema Index (E.I.), and the Melanin Index (M.I.). For experiments, we selected and stimulated 10 acupoints at 80 kilopascals (kPa) per minute. The RGB and L∗a∗b color spaces were observed to be decreased (p < 0.05) after cupping. The E.I. and M.I. were observed to be increased significantly (p < 0.05) after cupping. To assess various changes in skin color, we observed the changes for 72 hours. We also obtained the color changes by using the recovery pattern during the recovery period (p < 0.01). We propose that this method can be useful for visual identification and as a way to improve the identification of skin color changes.
Keywords: acupoint; cupping; ecchymosis; petechiae; pigmentation.
Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier B.V.