The Rhesus Site is a resource for information of the 'Rhesus' blood group. It is intended for specialists and non-specialists. The website details research in the field relevant for transfusion medicine, immunohematology, and molecular research. Link areas guide to important publications and to methodological resources for Rhesus. Many data originally presented at The Rhesus Site have been formally published later. The 'RhesusBase' section represents the largest database for RHD alleles; the 'RhesusSurveillance' section details the results of the largest prospective observational study on anti-D immunization events in D-positive patients. Visitors to the website are encouraged to explore the intricacies of the most complex blood group gene locus.
Keywords: Antigen D; Databases as topic; Immunization; Rh blood group; Rh-Hr blood group system.