Sumac (Rhus coriaria L.) is used as an herbal remedy in traditional medicine. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of sumac (R. coriaria) on serum glycemic status, apolipoprotein (apo) B, apoA-I and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) in type 2 diabetic patients. This double blind randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted on 41type 2 diabetic volunteers randomly assigned into 3g/day sumac powder (n=22) or placebo (n=19) groups over 3 months. Blood samples were collected before and after the intervention. Serum glucose and HbA1c were measured using enzymatic and turbidimetric inhibition immunoassay methods, respectively. ApoB, apoA-I and TAC were determined using turbidimetric immunoassay and spectrophotometric methods, respectively. There were significant decreases in serum glucose and HbA1c and also apoB levels at the end of study compared with initial values (P< 0.0001, P= 0.002 and P< 0.0001,respectively). Also, there was a significant difference in HbA1c and TAC levels between placebo and sumac groups at the end of study (P< 0.05).In sumac group, there were significant increase in apoA-I and TAC(P< 0.0001) compared with initial values. The mean of differences of serum glucose, HbA1c, apoB, apoA-I, apoB/apoA-I ratio and TAC between groups were significant (P< 0.05). In conclusion, these results showed the favorite effect of sumac consumption on serum glycemic status, apoB, apoA-I and TAC levels in in type 2 diabetic patients.
Keywords: Apolipoprotein; Diabetes; Glycemic status; Sumac; Total antioxidant capacity.