Obesity is a growing health problem worldwide with a major impact on health and healthcare expenditures. Medical therapy in the form of diet and pharmacotherapy has limited effect on weight. Standard bariatric surgery is effective but is associated with morbidity and mortality, creating an unmet need for alternative therapies. One such therapy, the application of electrical stimulation to the stomach, has been studied extensively for the last two decades. Though pulse parameters differ between the various techniques used, the rationale behind this assumes that application of electrical current can interfere with gastric motor function or modulate afferent signaling to the brain or both. Initial studies led by industry failed to show an effect on body weight. However, more recently, there has been a renewed interest in this therapeutic modality with a number of concepts being evaluated in large human trials. If successful, this minimally invasive and low-risk intervention would be an important addition to the existing menu of therapies for obesity.