Purpose: The aim of this paper was to propose structured guidelines for a European pediatric MIS training program created by ESPES.
Methods: A questionnaire, focused on how the pediatric training program in MIS has to be structured, was proposed to all participants at the ESPES Congress in Marseille in 2013.
Results: We received 178 questionnaires but only 139 questionnaires were fully completed and analyzed. All respondents agree that the training program has to be divided into 4 steps: (1) theoretical part: 2 theoretical courses in laparoscopy (101/139 respondents, 72.7 %), 1 theoretical course in retroperitoneoscopy (99/139 respondents, 71.2 %) and 1 in thoracoscopy (91/139 respondents, 65.5 %); (2) experimental part: 10-20 h of training on pelvic trainer (103/139 respondents, 74.1 %) and 10 h of training on animal models (91/139 respondents, 65.5 %); (3) stages in European centers of reference for MIS: a 1-3 months stage (96/139 respondents, 69.1 %); (4) personal experience: 30 procedures as cameraman (98/139 respondents, 70.5 %) and >50 basic MIS procedures as main surgeon under supervision (114/139 respondents, 82 %).
Conclusions: On the basis of our survey ESPES MIS training curriculum for pediatric surgeons must contain the following educational components: (1) theoretical knowledge; (2) practice-based learning and improvement in experimental setting; (3) stages in European centers of reference for MIS; (4) personal operative experience. At the end of the training program, ESPES will analyze the candidate training booklet and release for each applicant an ESPES certification after an exam.