Betaine supplements of alcoholic beverages are proposed to prevent the development of alcoholic liver disease in patients that abuse alcohol. This recommendation is based on the observation of studies where it has been shown in binge drinking and chronic ethanol feeding animal models that betaine prevents liver injury resulting from high blood alcohol levels. The basic observation is that betaine added to ethanol being ingested increases the elimination rate of blood alcohol, which prevents the blood alcohol levels (BALs) from reaching high levels. The mechanism of how betaine does this is postulated to be that betaine causes the increase in the elimination rate by increasing the metabolic rate which generates NAD the rate limiting cofactor of alcohol oxidation by ADH. Betaine does this most likely by supporting the methylation of norepinephrine to form epinephrine by phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase. Epinephrine is 5 to 10-fold more active than norepinephrine in increasing the metabolic rate.
Keywords: Betaine; Blood alcohol; Blood alcohol elimination rate; Epinephrine; Generates NAD(+); Metabolic rate.
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