Objective: To describe preliminary experience with a finger-mounted fetal tissue oximetry probe during the 2nd stage of labor.
Materials and methods: A total of 30 term pregnant women without pregnancy complications were recruited. We measured fetal tissue oxygen saturation (FtO2) by using a finger-mounted fetal tissue oximetry during cervical examinations in the 2nd stage of labor. The data capturing rate of FtO2 and the interclass correlation coefficient were also examined. The mean FtO2 was compared to the neonatal condition assessed by the levels of umbilical cord blood.
Results: FtO2 was obtained in all cases, regardless of wetness, hair color, the part of the fetal head that was exposed, rotation of the fetus, color of amniotic fluid, and caput succedaneum. The mean FtO2 was 65.5%±8.58% in normal neonates [Apgar score >7 (1 min), n=25]. The mean FtO2 was significantly correlated with umbilical cord arterial pH (r=0.52, P=0.0030, n=30), but not with umbilical cord arterial partial pressure of oxygen. The interclass correlation coefficient was 0.94.
Conclusions: Tissue oxygen saturation of the fetal head was obtained easily by the examiner's finger-mounted fetal tissue oximetry.