Deterministic superreplication of one-parameter unitary transformations

Phys Rev Lett. 2015 Mar 27;114(12):120503. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.120503. Epub 2015 Mar 25.


We show that one can deterministically generate, out of N copies of an unknown unitary operation, up to N^{2} almost perfect copies. The result holds for all operations generated by a Hamiltonian with an unknown interaction strength. This generalizes a similar result in the context of phase-covariant cloning where, however, superreplication comes at the price of an exponentially reduced probability of success. We also show that multiple copies of unitary operations can be emulated by operations acting on a much smaller space, e.g., a magnetic field acting on a single n-level system allows one to emulate the action of the field on n^{2} qubits.