Orbital fracture associated with traumatic globe luxation is rare, as it generally requires trauma with high energy for this to occur. The present case report focused on a child who had been hit by a motorcycle, leading to a globe luxation of the left eye and fractures of the superolateral orbital walls. The patient presented initial cosmetic and psychological benefits from the repositioning of the intact globe and the reduction of the orbital fractures. However, a subsequent evisceration of the globe was required due to persistent proptosis and pain. An ocular prosthesis was also implanted, thus recovering the patient's aesthetics. Thirty-four well-documented cases of traumatic globe luxation could be found in the English literature since 1970. The mean age of patients presenting traumatic globe luxation was 29.5 years. The male gender proved to be more prevalent, with traffic collisions representing the most common accident etiology. Direct orbital trauma with fractures of medial and floor walls displacing the globe into the maxillary sinus represented the most common injury mechanism (38.2 %), followed by an elongated object entering the orbit (26.5 %). Optical nerve avulsion is the most serious complication seen in association with traumatic globe luxation, with the repositioning of the initial globe, with no enucleation or evisceration, representing the main form of management.
Keywords: Facial injuries; Globe luxation; Orbital trauma.